Nicodemus Luna

Hello, i'm Nico. I'm a UX/UI Designer & Front-End Developer.

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Nicodemus Luna
As a UX/UI Designer and Front-End Developer with 10+ years of experience, I work hard to create beautiful things with creativity, passion and a functional development.
I create and build web applications to communicate a feeling of joy and comfort that shall invite the user to come back. For me, that means that not only graphical work, but also the frontend development are part of my field of activity.
I invite you to see my portfolio to learn more about my design and development background, skills, process and experience.
Nicodemus Luna

Think. Make. Solve.

UX Design
UX Design
I turn ideas into intuitive and user-friendly experiences through user-centered design that provide the users a memorable experience.
UI Design
UI Design
I craft top-notch interfaces with strong visual identities that clearly communicate your message through impactful visuals, colors, and typography.
Front-End Dev
Front-End Dev
I bring your designs to life with functional and requirement-fulfilling code through websites and web applications that are fast, efficient, and reliable.